



为什么无法通过蓝牙从 AIO3 找到 CHS2 信息?
设备运行后,AIO3 接口无法看到 CHS2 信息。主要原因是 AIO3 版本太低。建议通过蓝牙将 AIO3 通信模块版本升级到 V3.005 或更高版本。
在本章中,我们将首先讨论一些一般的量子力学思想。有些表述相当精确,有些则只是部分精确。我们很难在阅读过程中告诉你哪些是正确的,但当你读完本书的其余部分时,你就会明白哪些部分是正确的,哪些部分只是粗略地解释了一下。 直流端子烧毁是施工质量造成的问题。当光伏电池串工作时,直流端子和导线会持续产生大电流。在制作端子时,如果没有使用专业工具压紧端子,确保端子和导线之间接触良好,就会出现接触不良的情况。端子接触不良会导致端子在长期运行过程中发热。持续发热会导致内部变形,从而加剧接触不良问题,最终导致过热和烧毁。预防接触不良问题:专业施工,确保工程质量加强前期检查,发现过热或变形提前更换。
柴油发电机可以连接到 Gird 输入端吗?





唯一的生成器 专业版端口


微电网系统通常使用柴油发电机为 CHS2 供电。客户通常需要同时将柴油发电机输出连接至备用负载,以便在 CHS2 异常时直接为负载供电。不允许采用以下连接方式。如果因回流造成 CHS2 损坏,本公司将不提供保修。


即使客户在回路中添加了 ATS 作为开关,当两侧都有电源时,ATS 也很有可能因电压倒流而损坏。

如果客户需要增加维修回路,建议增加 MCB 和手动控制的 ATS,以确保只有在 CHS2 关闭时才启动维修回路,从而确保 CHS2 设备的安全。



CHS2 的电池充放电状态并不完全由电网状态决定。系统是否为蓄电池充电或是否能用电网充电取决于运行调度策略。







除整体负载过载外,系统还可能因单相负载过载而断电。如果单相负载超过负载规格,系统也会因过载而断电。CHS2 的最大单相负载规格为 18KW。如果某相的总负载超过此值,即使总负载不超过 50 千瓦,系统也会因过载而断电。







CHS2 的交流输入三相电压必须以 120 度角顺序排列。如果接线有问题,将发出相序错误警报。


1.1. 检查输入电源线的接线,查看电缆颜色是否有问题,导致相序颠倒。

2.2. 如果发现电缆颜色顺序正确,建议使用相序表进行检查。如果没有相序表,可以通过交叉法进行验证,以找到正确的相序。


当 CHS2 因放电容量不足而关机时,并不会完全按照整个并联系统的容量来关机;只要系统中一个 CHS2 的容量低于限值,就会执行放电容量不足关机。

CHS2 在放电时会平衡各系统的输出,但也可能出现间隙过大或某个设备容量过低而首先触发的情况。

The system suddenly loses power during operation? Sometimes accompanied by a PV over-current alarm?

If the CHS2 suddenly loses power during operation, and low battery capacity and overload are excluded, the most likely cause is a sudden increase in inductive load.

If more than 20% of the CHS2 loads are inductive loads (mainly motors or impact loads), there is a high probability that the instantaneous impact current will be too large, causing the system to power off. In this case, the subsequent action is a system reset with an abnormal alarm, such as PV over-current.

Can the start and stop of the diesel generator be controlled manually?

After CHS2 is connected to the diesel generator, the start of the oil engine can be manually controlled through CHS2.

If the customer needs to start the diesel generator, manual operation is not allowed directly on the diesel generator interface. It must be operated on the elekeeper APP interface, change the diesel generator working state of CHS2 to manual, and then start or shut down.

The APP manually controls the start and stop of the diesel generator. It is generally recommended to use it only during the commissioning phase. After the system is running normally, please switch to automatic control mode immediately.

To start the diesel generator without APP operation, make sure that CHS2 is in shutdown state.

Why did the diesel generator not stop working when the photovoltaic system was working?

The PV started working during the operation of the diesel generator, but the diesel generator did not stop working. This is because the condition for the diesel generator to shut down is that the battery SOC reaches the limit. The diesel generator must charge the battery to the limit value before the diesel generator stops naturally. PV charging is not related to the working status of the diesel generator. If the customer considers that the PV energy may be wasted, it is recommended to set the SOC limit to a smaller value.

Why is there no display on the inverter panel after CHS2 is turned on?

After the CHS2 is turned on, as long as the PV or battery is powered, there will be an indication on the inverter panel. If you can't see anything , please check whether the light on the front of the inverter panel is too bright and the sunlight is seriously reflected, resulting in unclear vision.

If this reason is excluded, it is recommended to open the inverter panel after shutting down and check whether the LED communication cable is disconnected.

Can the system work when the mains phase loss?

Phase loss is one of the abnormal conditions of the power grid. The energy storage system will not be able to draw power from the grid for charging. At this time, it will enter the off-grid state. If the customer's load is connected to the backup port, it will continue to provide power output to the load. If the customer's load is not connected to the backup port, it will not be able to provide normal three-phase power supply.

Why is photovoltaic power generation so low?

The low photovoltaic power generation is mostly caused by photovoltaic panels. Possible reasons include: whether the photovoltaic module is blocked, the surface is not cleaned in time, resulting in too much dust, the orientation of the photovoltaic module is different, and the barrel effect caused by hot spots or damage to the panels; it is also necessary to check the wiring, whether there are problems such as inconsistent string lengths or modules with different orientations connected to the same string .

If the above reasons are excluded, please check the power output limit of the PV inverter to see if it limits the output power of the inverter. If so, please increase the power limit.

What is the system overvoltage?

System overvoltage means that the inverter grid voltage is too high and exceeds the alarm limit. The main reasons for this are: 1. The voltage of the grid itself is too high, that is, the voltage value output from the transformer is originally high. In order to take care of the normal power supply of distant areas, usually increase the voltage of the transformer, resulting in an increase in the overall grid voltage. 2. Weak grid effect. Because the cable is relatively far away from the transformer, the overall cable voltage drop is too large, resulting in an increase in the voltage at the inverter end. The solution is to add energy storage device or reduce the output power of the inverter, reduce the current value of power sent to the grid, reduce the line voltage drop, and thus reduce the inverter voltage.

What is the reason for abnormal communication of the electric meter?

The abnormal communication of the meter is caused by the fact that the CHS2 cannot detect the meter during operation. It is necessary to check whether the RS485 connection of the meter is normal, whether the line is loose, or the cable of the connector is broken.

Why does the load lose power after the grid fails?

The load will lose power after the grid is lost. The main reason is that the load is not connected to the Backup port of CHS2. After the grid is lost, the Backup port of CHS2 can continue to output and provide continuous power supply. If it is not connected to the backup port, it will not be able to maintain power supply.

In addition, in the diesel generator working mode, after the diesel generator stops working, there will be a short downtime in the middle when it switches from the diesel generator state to the off-grid output state. Because the diesel generator working state is off-grid, it takes a conversion time from the off-grid state to the inverter state, which lasts about 60 seconds.

Why is the EMS switch light off ?

If the switch is not lit during the system grid connection, first make sure that the EMS is powered normally; then check whether the network cable is connected correctly, whether it is connected from the LAN port of CHS2 to the switch, and then check whether the network port is not connected tightly or loose. If these two problems are eliminated, please replace a network cable and try again.
